June and the Sacred Heart of Jesus

June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Catholics dedicate the month of June to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in veneration and in gratitude for His merciful heart and His redeeming love for mankind. Holy masses, novenas, and the recitation of devotional prayers in honor of the Sacred Heart are traditionally observed by the faithful devotees.

Novena: Below is a document to a Novena which is an ancient form of prayer in the Catholic tradition consisting of nine consecutive days of prayer leading up to a particular feast day, in this case, the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This was published under the direction of Anne Jamieson and the Institute for Catholic education.

Heart Speaks to Heart: Cardinal Thomas Collins reminds us in his letter Heart Speaks to Heart, “After a year of Covid, we are all heavily laden, and in great need of rest for our souls.” (p. 1) He explains that the image of the Sacred Heart shows the heart as wounded. In a year of vast change and uncertainty, we might all relate to feeling wounded in some way. To address this, Cardinal Collins encourages praying the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which can be found in his letter on pages 19-21.